Gandhi, AsifSingh, Sushil ( 15ME117)Mohammed, Hussain ( 13ME43)Siddiqui, Arfat ( 15ME114)2019-07-302019-07-302019-05 of space availability has always been a problem in urban areas and major cities and to add to it there are cars parked callously on the streets that further limit the space. In order to handle the issue of parking in busy places various types of vehicle parking systems are used worldwide namely Multi-level Automated Car Parking, Automated Car Parking System, Volkswagen Car Parking and many more. The present project work is aimed to develop a reduced working model of a car parking system for parking 6 to 10 cars within a parking area. It is an amalgamation of the already developed parking systems with the added advantage of reduced space occupancy by the design of a simpler and compact parking system that is lifted up and occupies vertical parking space. The project is aimed to develop a car parking system automatically without having driver. In automatic car parking,RFID module is used along with car for finding on which floor, slot the car has to be parked. Here required slot is fixed for some specific car. Here lifting mechanism along with different motors is used for parking a car to required floor& slot. Hence DACPS can be used at busy commercial places, malls, hotels etc. to prevent space shortage.en-USProject Report - MEDesign of automatic car parking systemProject Report