Amin, ShraddhaNaik, Saif Ali (15DEE02)Waghu, Faizan (15DEE07)Sayed, Aquib (15DEE13)Naik, Asif (15DEE17)2018-08-082018-08-082018-05 in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical EngineeringThe main aim of the project is to Generate electricity without using any fuel. Actually, "electrical science" is well aware of the little voltage spike that appears in a circuit when an energized coil of wire is disconnected from its source of current. This phenomena is generally considered to be: 1) a nuisance that 2) can damage electronic components in the circuit 3) unless it is gotten rid of somehow. 4) It is also generally believed to have no significant amount of energy associated with it, other than the "over-voltage" condition it may momentarily produce. In this project, we will consider this little voltage spike to be: 1) of the highest importance to understand 2) and to take advantage of it 3) for the recovery of its real, yet under-appreciated, energy content. In this project we will be using an electronic circuit having resistor diode and transistor Network to utilize that voltage spike to charge a battery.enProject Report - EEJohn Bedini's free energy generatorProject Report