Nambiar, AbhijitPatel, Nabeel Nooh (17AR22)2021-10-272021-10-272022-05http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3480The textile industry holds large fame within side of India. Textile industry gives one of the maximum vital requirements of the people. It is an unbiased industry from the fundamental requirement of raw fabric to the final product, with large Value-addition of every stage of processing with its contribution of 14% of the whole business production, at the same time as it contributes up-to 2% percentage of the entire GDP of India. Bhiwandi which is once known as MANCHESTER OF ASIA,is now lacking behind in the textile sector.Due to lockdown 40% of textile industries in bhiwandi are shut. Therefore, in order to raise the textile sector, there should be a right business module beginning from production unit up to the retailing units, with the help of skills which might be already practicing. We also can utilize the waste coming from the fabric as a byproduct which can be reused and help in boosting the economy. As well as the water which is polluting the environment can be used is a proper way also the consumption of water can be increased which can be used in future.enProject Report - SoARevitalization of textile hubOther