Bodke, Kalpana RSiddiqui, Neha Hafiz [14CO09]Ansari, Mohamad Kurban Andul Kayyum [15CO13]Ansari, Mohd. Saeem Mohd. Saleem [15CO12]Khan, Aaisha Imtiyaz [16DCO53]2019-08-012019-08-012019-05 today’s competitive world we have to update our knowledge by attending various events such like conferences, competition,seminars, or training. Those attended events are not just going to upgrade our knowledge but also it help us to update our CVs which is directly connected to our economical side of career. But plenty of times we upgrade ourselves by the knowledge but fail in documenting it. our proposed system is definitely goint to help you to document your knowledge. So we propose a novel approach to replace the manual work of handling the data which sometimes results in misplaced valuable details. The proposed system comes under reository category which will have all the necessary details which is done manually but in digital format. All the details right from the event details uptill genretaing a complete report of it. Keywords: Multimedia Data Repository, SHA256,Lz4, Rotativa, Report Generation.enProject Report - COMultimedia data repository for event information systemProject Report