Bayross, Ivan2014-03-052014-03-052012 CD accompanies the book Understanding Oracle and it contains code and solutions to the exercises of chapters in the book. These codes help you to implement the ready to use executable programs that are provided in the book. The codes conatin SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks expalined in the book. The extension of the codes given in the CD is .sql. The codes that are given can be executed in SQL *PLUS. To run the .sql files in SQL: 1. Start->Programs->ORACLE_HOME->Application Development->SQL PLUS. 2. Enter the username, password and host string in the Log On dialog box. 3. Click OK to Log On to the Oracle database. 4. Click file->open. Open dialog box appears. Select the .sql file that you need to run and click Open. 5. Type forward slash ‘/’ and press Enter key to execute the code in the .sql file. The programs of the book are arranged in directories according to the chapters in the book. Inside each chapter directory, the various subdirectories exist that are named according to the topics covered in the chapter. The programs are stored as Listing X-X.sql files that are named exactly as named in the chapters of the book. For example, the Listing 5-1.sql file contains the same code that is given as Listing 5-1 in chapter 5 of the book. The CD also contains the solutions of the exercises of various chapters in the book. The solutions are given according to the chapter numbers in the Solutions directory in the CD.CD content with book # E5018.en-USCD/DVD - COCD/DVD - SoETUnderstanding OracleCD/DVD