Khan, Jalal2016-08-052016-08-052014-10Khan, J. (2014).Reduction of cost of quality by using robust design: A research methodology. International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology, 122-128.2348-7593 robust design, cost of quality, parameter design, control factors, noise factors, signal to noise ratio, taguchi quality loss function and tolerance limit.CoQ and Taguchi Design are to be integrated together for time and resource savings and determination of important factors affecting operation, performance and cost; and quantitative recommendations for design parameters which achieve lowest cost, high quality solutions. Taguchi’s parameter design method is a powerful tool for optimizing the performance characteristic of a product/process. The aim of a parameter design experiment is to identify and design the settings of the process parameters that optimize the chosen quality characteristic and are least sensitive to noise (uncontrollable) factors. Finally methodology for reducing Cost of Quality by using robust design is to be developed.en-USStaff Publication - SoETStaff Publication - MEReduction Of Cost Of Quality By Using Robust Design: A Research MethodologyArticle