Fakih, AwabKazi, Saif (16DET57)Ibadullah, (15ET20)Khan, Ahtesham (15ET28)2019-05-242019-05-242019-05http://www.aiktcdspace.org:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/3024The IoT connected structure is concept implemented using some open source hardware’s and software’s such as Esp32, Load Cell and hx711 weighing scale amplifier. Here we aim attention at Connecting Concrete Structural elements and beam to internet allowing us to monitor the sensors data in realtime over a web-application along with Augmented Reality based android app. Introduction: The main goal of doing this project is to monitor the structural element before detoration of structure to avoid incidence that happened due to collapsing of bridges and various structure through the concept of Internet of things(IoT). In this project, we aim to connect the structures and beam to Internet allowing us to monitor vibrations in real time through various sensors .enProject Report - EXTCIoT connected structureProject Report