Chaya, Ravindra2016-06-202016-06-202016-05 general trend of human nature always longing for security Physically, Mentally and Socially. Fingerprint based security access control and identity systems are used for all kinds of office and service sector operations in the day today environment. Fingerprint System based access control is more secured as compared to the conventional swipe card or ID cards because of the exclusive fingerprint for every entity. Fingerprint Systems have fascinated people for centuries. They have been used as a method of personal identification since ancient times. The two key aspects of most of the Fingerprint System biometric solutions are Finger Print identification and authentication. The process of identification tells you who an individual is, or in the negative sense tells you who they are not. Fingerprints Security is examined using two different sets of criteria. One way of looking at Fingerprint Security System is using their "Class Characteristics". Finger Print Security Systems can be used to get rid of so many issues such as Physical Access Control, Health care Biometrics, Fingerprint and Biometrics Locks, Biometric Sensors and Detectors, RFID Tags, RFID Readers, Road Barriers, RFID Smart Card, CCTV, Metal Detectors, LED Search Lights, Fire Alarm, Finger Print Movement Control, Physical Access Control, Optical Fingerprint Scanners, Optical Sensors, Card Locks Card Access Control Systems, Fingerprint Technology, Digital Fingerprint, USB Fingerprint Reader etc.en-USProject Report - EXTCFingerprint based driving license management systemProject Report