Bodke, KalpanaMomin, Faizan Haroon (17CO24)Khan, Wasiullah (16CO32)Shaikh, Mohammed Saif (16CO53)Shaikh, Mohammed Faisal (15DCO70)2021-12-132021-12-132021-05http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3775Building an image classifierWe’ll train a convolutional neural network to classify an image as either cardboard, glass, metal, paper, plastic, or trash with the Tensorflow library. Recycling contamination occurs when waste is incorrectly disposed of—like recycling a pizza box with oil on it (compost). Or when waste is correctly disposed of but incorrectly prepared — like recycling UN rinsed jam jars. it becomes very difficult to recycle the waste the same goes to metals like iron , copper , aluminum etc.and e-waste like mobiles , computers and circuits if we somehow manage to profile them in write time then we can easily recycle them and also sell to any recycling industries. Keywords: Image Classification, Garbage ProfilingenProject Report - COGarbage profiling systemProject Report