Implementation of a solar power system with home automation
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This book aims to cover all the topics that are relevant for getting an overview on
the aspects of Solar Energy, with a focus on Photovoltaics, which allows the con-
version of light energy or solar radiation into electrical energy, along with a brief
introduction to Automation, with a focus on embedded devices such as Arduino,
which is the technology that enables us to develop solutions for our automation
In total, this book contains six modules. In the introductory Module I, we pro-
vide the reader with some general facts on energy in Chapter 1, summarize the
current status & prospects of PV in the world in Chapter 2 and provide a rst
short explanation on how solar cells work in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 provides a
basic understanding of any Automated Infrastructure and Chapter 5 describes the
worldwide adoption of automated technologies.
Module 2 aims to cover all the physical fundamentals that are required for under-
standing PV Systems & Automated Infrastructures in general and the di erent
technologies in particular. We discuss some basics from electrodynamics, solar
radiation & solar cell parameters in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7 we look over some
fundamentals of an automated infrastructure such as Microcontrollers, Integrated
Development Environment(IDE), security intersects and capabilities.
In Module 3, at the beginning of Chapter 8, we elaborate on the di erent gen-
eration and recombination mechanisms and types of systems in the Solar energy
domain. Likewise, a broad understanding of the ontology of Automation systems
and its technological exposures is summarized in Chapter 9.
The di erent implementation scenarios are discussed in Module 4. We go through
an in-depth explanation on the design and simulation of PV systems in a number
of scenarios in Chapter 10, followed by a detailed overview on designing automa-
tion systems for a number of scenarios in Chapter 11. We conclude Module 4 with
a discussion on an analytical approach for choosing the best combination of a PV
system and an Automation system for a said scenario in Chapter 12.
Next, we present a detailed description of the economics involved in setting up
the combined PV and Automation system in Chapter 13 of Module 5, which also
includes the economics of running the system & its bene ts in monetary terms
overtime in Chapter 14. Lastly, Module 6 consists of an epilogue which gives a
conclusion in Chapter 15.
Keyword:Blynk, IoT, AC system, Solar power, PV module, On grid.
Project Report - EXTC