Discount card management and hierarchy business
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In current world hierarchical business is the new market of earning and supporting
for promoting new business ideas. In this paper we are promoting such business with
technical support of android application. A Discount Card is a card, that allows the
individual to avail discounts on the prices of some products or services. It intends
the conditions agreed upon between the business companies for a specific series of
coupons regarding the validation and redemption.
This system proposes an easiest solution for more profit making business for Discount
Card Management. A method of QR Code is introduced where the information
of the customer will be encoded in the QR (Quick Response) Code in the encrypted
form. The Merchant on the other hand will have a scanner to scan this QR code
available with the customer.
This management application will help the business company to keep a track of a
where about of the coupons where they are redeemed, who has redeemed and various
other Statistics. Let us consider a person XYZ, an authorized owner of the said
discount card wants to use this app. The customer goes to a specific shop which has
a tie up with the business group and has agreed to avail the discount to its customers.
The shop owner will scan the QR code available with the customer to validate the
personal. This scanning will be visible to our business group and help them to keep
a track of all the Statistical Analysis.
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Computer engineering
Project Report - CO