Student information system

(SIS) Student Information System enables us to access all of the necessary forms of information required by the users or the teachers to manage their own or others authorized record, let’s say students records in an automated manner over the internet at any point in time. The information or the documents of the candidates or students are manipulated in such a way that it provides an alliance with the system to balance the student’s information. The organizations such as big universities make use of or recycle the records of the students very effectively and efficiently. All the data available in the form of digital documents which are updated, modernize and renovated time to time by the department or the administration, which in this case is the faculties and the higher authorities in an organization, are most likely to be treated as sensitive data for every section. The college details as well as the student’s details along with the course and batch details followed by curriculum and placement details and more importantly academic-related records and reports with all the necessary resources are taken care of or handheld by the (SIS) Student Information System. The Student information system allows us to examine and analysed all the interest, affairs and transactions in the college, Different ambiguity and uncertainties can be produced and established on various substitute or preferences related to the student’s semester including the courses and the examination. Keywords: sis, student information system, sims, software, web-based portal, attendance management, students’ records, Database, HTML, SQL.
Project Report - CO