Product recommendation system in warehouse management
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In the current pandemic situation of COVID-19, people are afraid to leave their
homes even to get the basic day-to-day life essentials like groceries,vegetables,fruits
etc. Everyone wants to maintain social distance, but in some cases even if they want
to they can’t. People wants to make less and less interaction with each other for their
safety purpose. But they have to leave their homes to get their daily supplements.
We never know which seller or vendor is infected.
The online shopping sites like amazon, flipkart, bigbasket etc. are providing groceries
at home but the disadvantage is that they have limited slots and most of the
time they are not available. So if one person wants to cook for today but will get
vegetables and groceries after 2 days if he/she shops from these online sites, which
makes no sense.We want customers shopping experience for groceries and daily essentials
to be hassle free and comfortable.
The solution to this problem is an android application and website through which
user will be able to shop for daily essentials which will be available to user with minimum
time. The main aim of the proposed system is to provide user an easy and safe
shopping interface where he/she will shop without any worries of social distancing
and other health risks and will get his/her purchase with least time delay. Also, the
admin can easily manage the warehouse with help of the admin panel developed.
Keywords: Android, COVID-19, Social distance, Groceries, Recommendation,warehouse
management, website, online shopping,grocery apps.
Project Report - CO