Preparation & evaluation of herbal formulation- lip balm using sapodilla fruit extract
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Design, formulation and quality improvement of Lip Balm made from herbal ingredients with consideration to use of Natural Antioxidants replacing chemical based anti-oxidants present in the current lip care product market. With the help of available studies and literature available and selecting Sapota as the key ingredient towards the formulation of Lip Balm and its antioxidant activity. Among the different types of fruit extract sapodilla extract shows good levels of Anti-Oxidant activity which can be used in the formulation of completely nature-based products, also it is inexpensive, easily available and bio-degradable. Sapota Powder can be used as alternative to Anti-oxidants in various herbal formulations which can also be profitable to the farmers. Post formulation studies helped to evaluate the optimum results for pH, Irritation Test, chemical stability proved to be a formation of stable herbal product.
Project Report - SoP